Самостоятельное устройства теплого водяного пола


Повысить температуру в помещение и сделать его комфортным поможет такая технология, как теплый пол, которые бывают электрические и водяные. Мы уже рассмотрели технику укладки электрического пола, перейдем к изучению процесса укладки водяного пола.

Такой пол чаще всего укладывается в местах, где особенно необходимо удержать помещение в тепле, например детская комната либо ванная.

Теплый водяной пол является одним из популярных в наши дни вариантов отопительной системы. Чтобы правильно выполнить монтаж водяного пола важно изучить базовую информацию об этом и узнать все тонкости и нюансы.

Принцип устройства и работы водяного теплого пола прост: теплоноситель, циркулирующий по трубопроводу, который смонтирован в пол комнаты, нагревается до определенной температуры котлом, передавая тепло теплоносителя помещению.

Теплый водяной пол

Необходимые материалы

Чтобы теплый водяной пол был надежным, следует использовать качественные комплектующие материалы, которые следует составить предварительно и закупить одним разом.

При укладке такого пола потребуются:

  • теплоизолирующие средства, например, плиты из экструдированного пенополистирола в случае больших нагрузок либо фольгированные маты из пенополистирола;
  • самоклеящаяся демпферная лента, толщина которой должна быть 0,5-1 сантиметров;
  • закрепляющая стяжку арматурная сетка, которая также может быть использована для монтажа трубы отопления;
  • полиэтиленовая либо металлопластиковая труба;
  • крепления для труб (поворотные дуги, монтажные планки, скобы и иные);
  • ингредиенты для дополнения в смесь бетона для пола (наполнители и пластификаторы);
  • гребенки – коллекторные системы, чтобы подключать контуры системы теплового пола;
  • также потребуется шкаф для монтажа гребенков в эстетический вид.

Виды труб

Виды труб

При устройстве водяного пола используют трубы трех видов:

  • PEX-EVOH-PEX — трубы, изготовленные из сшитого полиэтилена. Такие трубы не удобно использовать при работе, так как им довольно трудно придавать нужную форму, также они распрямляются при нагреве. Однако такие трубы стойки к замерзанию и ремонтопригодны.
  • Трубы металлопластиковые, которые являются оптимальным вариантом благодаря своей низкой цене и легкости при монтаже. Такие трубы держат форму стабильно.
  • Трубы медные, которые стоят дороже по цене. Используя такие трубы в стяжке, их закрывают с помощью защитного слоя, чтобы не подвергать их щелочному воздействию.

Распределение и расчет труб

Расчет труб и шага их установки производится для каждой комнаты по отдельности при помощи специальных программ либо прибегнув к услугам соответствующих проектных организаций.
Самостоятельный расчет необходимой мощности для каждого отдельного контура является очень сложным. Здесь необходимо учитывать массу нюансов и тонкостей. В случае допущения погрешностей в расчете вся работа системы может свестись на нет или же наступят неприятные последствия, такие как неполная циркуляция воды, “тепловая зебра” (чередование на полу теплых и холодных участков), образование участков утечки тепла и неравномерное нагревание пола.

При проведении расчета нужно учесть следующие параметры:

  • вид теплоизоляции для теплого пола;
  • материалы теплоизоляции, перекрытий и стен;
  • тип покрытия пола;
  • размеры самого помещения;
  • мощность котла (от нее зависит температура воды);
  • диаметр и материалы труб системы водяного пола.

Расчет труб

По вышеуказанным данным определяют нужную длину применяемой трубы и шаг для ее установки, чтобы достичь необходимой мощности для теплоотдачи. Для распределения труб выбирают наиболее оптимальный маршрут их укладки.

Не стоить забывать, что проходящая по трубам вода постепенно начинает остывать, притом это является одним из достоинств водяного пола, так как потери тепла в помещении происходят также неравномерно.

Распределяя трубы теплого пола для каждого контура необходимо придерживаться определенных правил. Укладка труб начинается от сравнительно холодных внешних стен комнаты.

В случае, если ввод труб в помещение располагается не на стороне внешней стены, то часть трубы от стены к вводу утепляют. Чтобы постепенно понизить нагрев пола от внешней стороны к внутренним стенам используют метод укладки “змейка”. Чтобы обогрев пола помещения, где все стены являются внутренними, был равномерный (например, в ванной комнате), используют укладку спиралью от края помещения к центру. Таким образом, трубу с двойным шагом доводят спиралью до центра, затем разворачивают в противоположном направлении, выводя из комнаты к коллектору.

Как правило, шаг трубы при укладке составляет 10-30 сантиметров. В основном бывает достаточным шаг в 30 сантиметров, а там где имеются повышенные теплопотери его можно сократить до 15 сантиметров.

Помимо формы распределения и длины также рассчитывают гидравлическое сопротивление труб, которое повышается с каждым поворотом, также при увеличении длины.

Теплый пол

В контурах, которые подсоединены к одному коллектору, рекомендуется сопротивление приводить к одинаковому значению. Чтобы разрешать такие ситуации, большие контуры, длина трубы которых более сотни метров, разделяют на несколько малых, и для каждого контура покупают общий отрезок трубы нужной длины.

Не разрешается использование муфты и стыков на трубах, укладывающихся в стяжку. Следовательно, расчет длины и приобретение осуществляют, проведя тщательные расчеты и продумав весь маршрут кладки.

Расчет для каждого помещения производится в отдельности. Не рекомендуется также использование одного контура для обогрева более одного помещения.

Чтобы утеплить веранду, лоджию или мансарду, укладывают отдельный контур, который не совмещен с прилегающими комнатами. В обратном случае большая часть полученного тепла уйдет на их отопление, оставив помещение холодным. Выполняют утепление под теплый пол таким же образом, как и с полом, который расположен на грунте. Других отличий при монтаже на лоджии теплого пола нет.

Подбор коллектора и его установка


Определив количество контуров, подбирается соответствующий коллектор, у которого должно быть соответствующее количество выводов, для подключения всех контуров. Коллектор, помимо этого, отвечает за настройку и регулировку теплого водяного пола. Если рассматривать самый простой вариант коллектора, здесь у него имеются лишь запорные клапаны, что достаточно снижает цену системы, однако в таком случае практически не бывает возможным настраивание ее работы. Также существуют более дорогие варианты, предусматривающие установку клапанов регулирования. При помощи них корректируется расход воды в отдельности на каждую петлю. Несмотря на сравнительно большие расходы, данная система позволяет настраивать пол так, чтобы подогрев всех комнат был равномерным.

Сливной отвод и клапан воздухоотвода являются элементами обязательными для коллектора. Чтобы полностью автоматизировать гидравлический теплый пол применяют коллекторы, имеющие на клапанах сервоприводы и предварительные смесители, регулирующие температуру воды, смешав ее с остывшей. Такая система по цене составляет большую долю расходов. При частном использовании нет необходимости ее приобретения, так как можно изначально корректно настроить более простую коллекторную группу, нежели нести большие расходы на систему автоматического типа, и так работающую при длительных нагрузках в одинаковом режиме.

Коллектор устанавливают в коллекторный ящик, толщина которого, как правило, достигает 12 сантиметров. Подбирают размеры, учитывая габариты коллекторной группы, включая все необходимые дополнения (воздухоотводы, сливы, датчики давления). Под коллекторной группой оставляют пространство до пола, в котором загибаются подведенные трубы всех контуров пола. Процесс монтажа теплого водяного пола начинают  именно с размещения такого шкафа. Размещают его таким образом, чтобы протяжность  контура и труб от каждого помещения была одинаковой. В определенных случаях шкаф приближают к самому большому контуру.

Для того чтобы скрыть шкаф, его монтируют в стену. При этом необходимо учитывать, что в несущих стенах запрещается пробивать какие-либо углубления или отверстия.

Ящик необходимо установить выше уровня водяного теплого пола, не допустив, чтобы трубы отводились вверх от него. Только так воздухоотводная система будет работать правильно.

Коллекторный шкаф устанавливают и заполняют в соответствии с общими инструкциями и стандартами.

Нагревательный котел

Нагревательный котел

Выбор котла нагревания первоначально зависит от его мощности. Котел должен справиться с нагреванием воды, имея определенный запас мощности. Таким образом, мощность котла соответствует обще сумме мощностей всех полов, а также запас на 15-0 процентов.
Чтобы вода в системе циркулировала, нужен насос. Современные электрические и газовые котлы имеют встроенный насос, которого в основном хватает на отопление одноэтажных и двухэтажных домов. Дополнительные вспомогательные насосы устанавливает в случае, если площадь отапливаемой комнаты больше 120-150 квадратных метров. В таком случае они устанавливаются в отдельных коллекторных шкафах.

На выходе и входе котла необходимо установить запорные клапаны, которые помогают отключать котел при ремонте либо профилактике, не сливая из системы всю воду.

В случае, когда имеется несколько коллекторных шкафов, на основную трассу подвода теплой воды устанавливают разветвитель, затем после разветвителя – сужающие переходники. Так делают, чтобы вода равномерно распределялась по системе.

Выполнение монтажа теплого водяного пола и стяжки

Теплый пол в большинстве случаев укладывают, применяя специальные крепежные профили, закрепляемые шурупами и дюбелями к полу. Они имеют гнезда, предназначенные для закрепления труб. Крепежные профили облегчают соблюдение расстояния шага витков трубы.

При закреплении вполне достаточно использование пластиковых стяжек, посредством которых трубу прижимают армирующей сетке. При этом трубу нельзя стягивать очень туго, петля стяжки должна быть свободной.

Монтаж теплого пола

Как правило, трубы поставляют в виде бухт. Не разрешается вытягивание трубы из бухты витками. Ее разматывают частично в процессе укладки, закрепляя на полу. Изгибы выполняют в соответствии с ограничениями минимально возможного радиуса. В основном такой радиус  у полиэтиленовых труб бывает равен 5 диаметрам. При сильном изгибе может образоваться побелевшая полоса, что означает, что материал резко растянулся и заломился. Трубу с таким дефектом не разрешается укладывать в пол, так как в этом месте существует риск прорыва.

В случае необходимости концы труб, подводимые к коллектору, прокладывают через стены и заключают в утеплитель, изготовленный из вспененного полиэтилена. Чтобы подсоединить трубы к коллекторы применяют евроконусную систему или обжимной фитинг.

При формировании стяжки для теплого водяного пола важно знать определенные нюансы, связанные с принципом распределения по ее толщине тепла, а также с покрытием используемого пола. В случае укладки теплого пола под плитку толщину стяжки делают около 3-5 сантиметров либо распределяют трубы с шагом в 10-15 сантиметров. В обратном случае пространство между ними не будет прогреваться как следует, что приведет к образованию «тепловой зебры». Под линолеум, ламинат и подобные материалы стяжка формируется по возможности тоньше, а для достижения прочности поверх теплого пола используют еще одну армирующую сетку, уменьшив тепловой путь между трубами и поверхностью покрытия пола. Под ламинат также не укладывают теплоизолирующий слой, так как он лишь ухудшает эффективность работы теплого водяного пола.

Стяжка теплого пола

Отопление теплого водяного пола включают с наступлением первых осенних холодов. Возможно затягивание изначального прогревания на несколько дней, затем необходимая температура будет поддерживаться системой. Хорошую роль послужит инертность теплого водяного пола: в случае, если котел по определенным причинам не будет функционировать, от системы в течение продолжительного времени в помещение будет исходить  тепло. Помимо этого, в течение всего года допустимо держать систему водяного пола на небольшой мощности путем отключения большей части контуров с использованием только той части, которой обогревается помещение с наливным полом либо с покрытием пола из керамической плитки (например, ванная комната или прихожая).


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    Join them as they let you know their turn-ons and enjoy hearing about yours.
    Some mature cam models are especially kinky, so if you have a fetish, kink, or taboo roleplay idea you enjoy,
    be sure to let her know and see what she wants to do with you right now.
    Science has shown women won’t reach their sexual prime until later in life than most men and mature women over the age of
    40 have the strongest sexual appetite. Let her explain her
    deepest sexual fantasies with you, telling you dirty stories about
    her sex life and allowing you to become the most important part of her world.

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    These camming models are incredibly popular, and rightfully so.
    Access to our free live cams is available to all; even if you don’t have an account.
    You can watch unlimited cam sex without having to signup or pay.
    Find a free live cam you like, click on it and start
    your free cam show.
    That’s why we’ve made it extremely easy to
    find your ideal cam partner (AKA masturbation companion) with direct assistance from our AI robot,
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    Here’s a selection of some of the amazing features available at webcam
    girls live, all completely free. But if you want the full
    adult experience, that’s a different story.
    These tips are given in the form of tokens, which you
    will need to purchase beforehand. Cams.com is one
    of the more unique and advanced cam sites on this list.
    If you choose to chat and cam 2 cams private only,
    we advise you to stick with us. If you’re not familiar with this stuff then let me tell you how it works these ladies love to have live camgirl sex.
    Eventually, there isn’t anything left but the truth you need
    to face. It is an excellent notion to watch different
    models to find out the things that they put in their topics
    and what types of countdowns do the job.
    The “Free” in Flirt4Free might seem
    like something of a misnomer at first glance. While there’s always something hot going down in any number of public chatrooms, the real spank-bank-worthy action is
    saved for pay-per-minute private shows. Judging from many of the model reviews, Flirt camgirls tend to appeal to fans who
    want to go deeper on their fantasies.
    It’s worth checking out the paid ones though because of all the unique features.Of course,
    if you have a sexual preference for trans performers, guys or couples and trios, we can help you out there, too, with our diverse sex cam selection.Better than paid sex cam sites, our free cams allow you to watch and chat
    with thousands of webcam models instantly.Streamate
    is a no-frills site that takes you straight to the action.
    XCams is a special cam site for folks with an eye for European cam models.
    They flourish on XCams, though it’s a lesser-known site
    than the rest.
    In other words, there isn’t any real gender diversity unless you head over to their couples
    section. However, everything, including the lesbian scenes, seems to be shot
    exclusively for purely heterosexual males.
    Before you commit, you’ll be shown a preview, told where the model is from,
    and told how many credits you’ll need to pay for your time.

    You will get 25 free credits just for signing up, giving you about five
    minutes on average. Truthfully, it’s because they want to
    be tipped well, but you can rest assured that any model you
    watch on Streamate will work very hard to earn your affection. They are very
    engaging, personable, and (of course) sexy.
    Not only is the name genius for a camgirl site, but
    Chaturbate has managed to stand the test of time. We can’t believe it’s been ten years
    since it was created back in 2011. It’s hailed as the best cam site
    available by millions of users because it has the most diverse and explicit portfolio of models who use the platform to stream.

  10. Free Chat with Girls Live Cam Girls, Free Webcam Girls at CamGirls4U

    We’ve turned adult entertainment into an INTERACTIVE experience,
    a two-way street of mutual camming pleasure and
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    There has been a massive shift from traditional industries to a world that functions primarily based on robust technology, modernized
    information, and telecommunications. Click on the Generate QR Code button and then scan the code.
    For instance, erotic play between two beautiful
    lesbian models might cost you 100 tokens. You’ll be informed of everything
    up front, which helps you figure out which shows are worth watching based on your personal preference and what you can afford.

    You can also try your luck at jumping into a show and mooching
    off the other viewers who will send tips,
    but it might test your patience.
    This rating reflects its popularity among users for several reasons.

    First, most of the cam sites’ functions are accessible to free account holders, allowing users to explore the platform without immediate financial commitment.
    While on the homepage, you’ll encounter dozens of thumbnails that provide a preview of the live show.
    If you click on one of those images, you’ll be immediately launched
    into the cam show for free.
    Aggressive demands and other poor behavior are frowned upon (as they should be) and can result in getting blocked and/or banned.Not just a
    UK sex cam, we offer adult webcam for horny XXX cams customers across the
    world.The site’s videos are professionally shot, ensuring top-notch streaming quality
    and realism, a stark contrast to poorly lit and low-quality
    content found elsewhere.
    Once you match with someone, you have the option of also becoming
    a cam model. You can stream a video of yourself watching
    the cam girl, which is pretty nice.
    There’s nothing like it in the world of
    adult entertainment. Meet sexy naked girls with tight pussies from all over the world, ready to make your wildest fantasies come true.

    If you’re tired of wanking by yourself, let Jerkmate show you the flip side of porn entertainment.
    Meet stunning cam models with hot bodies, sweet personalities, and insatiable sex drives.
    In fact, we’d dare say LiveJasmin has the hottest cam girls among adult cam sites.
    Live sex cams are a great place to try out and experiment with new fetishes.
    Hell, you might discover stuff you didn’t even know you enjoyed!
    All it takes is the right live cam girl to show you the
    They’re attempting to introduce more “gamification” to the concept, so Cherry.tv allows models to “level up” by gaining experience points (xp).
    Streaming gets cammers XP as well as receiving certain gifts
    from fans.

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    All are at least the age of 18, even if some have just turned 18 on our teen cams.

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    Apparently, people think that getting live girls naked means don’t have any self-respect and
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    Surprisingly, it flies under the radar because there
    are always so many models available at any given time for anyone to
    watch. One such site is Cherry.tv, from the people over at Cherry Models.

    The site has only recently gone live and is still in Beta mode, which means
    for now they only have cis-women and trans women cam girls.
    You can stream a video of yourself watching the cam girl,
    which is pretty nice. Think of it as if Chatroulette, Tinder, and
    Chaturbate had a love child. Most people enjoy watching private
    cam shows because they are longing for a connection, sexual or otherwise.
    StripChat’s VR function allows you to throw on a headset and opt in for a private show from one of their
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    Cams.com is one of the more unique and advanced cam sites on this list.We have hundreds
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    Watching sexy women undress and perform live sex acts
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    The site features cam girls of all types, from petite blonde camgirls to leggy redheads eager to scratch that horny itch!
    There are some sites with thousands of cam models who are active at any given time.

    Yet, all those choices may be overwhelming, and it might feel like finding a needle in a haystack
    to find something of high quality. You might be better off finding a site with fewer models but with a higher percentage of fun, engaged,
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    What languages she speaks, the goal for her room, and
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    Stripchat and other cam sites saw significant growth in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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    There are several actions that could trigger this block including
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    Expect to pay anywhere from $50 to $100 per hour watching one of the Jerkmate shows.
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    But if you want the full adult experience, that’s a different story.Let her explain her deepest sexual
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    It doesn’t need all the bells and whistles because it provides a large amount of really great
    shows. You can use their simple and intuitive search function to
    filter your options, making Streamate one of the easiest sex cam sites to navigate.
    And their filtering options get really specific, so you can find exactly what turns you on.
    Use of this Website is not permitted where prohibited
    by law. Chatting and net surfing is now the
    favorite pastime for adults all around the world. All models appearing on this website are 18 years or
    older. At Jerkmate, we aim to arouse your visual sense
    with striking physical beauty and the best pussy money can rent.
    You can view all the live shows in full screen and many of them broadcast in High Definition,
    HD sex cams really are an experience you have to try for yourself.

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    you will find the sex cam girls of dreams.
    Cam sites such as Jerkmate and Chaturbate may
    have the lion’s share of attention, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of other sites popping up all the
    time. While many of these aren’t worth your trouble,
    some of them may turn out to be major competitors.
    Instead, it feels like a whole studio operation with a professional atmosphere.
    This is a pro for most, but some viewers enjoy a more
    realistic feel. LiveJasmin is full of recognizable and famous cammers, making it one of
    the best cam sites around.
    Jerkmate’s motto is “Never jerk off alone again,” and it’s a unique cam site where users
    can filter the models they search for by personal preference.
    You can specify your preference in gender, kink, and even body type.

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    One cool thing about Cherry.tv is that it isn’t just another
    cam site like any other. They’re attempting to introduce more “gamification” to the concept, so Cherry.tv allows models to “level up” by gaining experience points (xp).
    For people looking for cam sites on a budget, there’s perhaps
    no better site than MyFreeCams. Yes, the shows are actually free,
    and this is one of MyFreeCams’ biggest perks.
    It’s a matching system between viewers and cam girls, which makes it feel pretty special.
    Once you match with someone, you have the option of also becoming a cam model.
    Beyond the two unique and exciting options that Jerkmate provides, it’s
    also very easy to use. It’s got a modern feel to it and selecting a
    show to watch could not be easier. If you don’t love who you’ve been matched
    with, you can also browse the expansive list of categories that Jerkmate has to offer.
    Those categories range from BDSM to Sex Toys and everything in between.
    A performer, the “cammer,” will livestream, and people watching the live stream
    will interact with the performer by chatting and tipping. Most cammers will do certain things for specific tip amounts,
    and many will eventually go private before ending
    a stream.
    From amateurs to professionals, members will find the
    girls online and ready for a great time 24/7, and purchasing credits (the site’s currency) is fast and easy.You can watch a
    cammer until they go “private,” which requires you to tip a certain amount to continue watching.Cameras can result in some seriously unflattering angles, I
    want to tell you.The women on Chaturbate are trying to get you to eventually pay for a private show, which
    is what most people want anyway.
    It’s is totally free to view the live adult webcams at
    Webcam Girls Live, not only can you watch live xxx cams you can also chat to the girls as well, sending
    them messages and requests. The girls broadcasting their webcams can make
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    to sign up and start the show.
    So get ready to fully indulge in all your
    sexual fantasy’s because these stunning ladies know how to entertain and are full
    of fun surprises. When a hot teen is bored at home and wants a little bit of action, see what kind of naughty games
    she starts when she turns on her webcam.
    As you might expect, many people have been trying to get a slice of the pie.
    Tons of cam sites have popped up, and not all of them are created equal—in fact, it’s not even close.
    Your best bet is to browse some of the top cam sites before signing up for any subscriptions, premium memberships, etc.
    NudeLive is now a hugely popular free live sex cam site
    thanks to the extensive range of video and chat features we offer users to enjoy while using our live nude cams.
    Our internal rating system allows users to rate their experience,
    so we can be sure to provide you the best cam girl possible.

    We reward our cam girls every day by scoring
    their shows and giving prizes to the top winners. You can rest assured that your webcam show will be fun and exciting every time.
    Then see her turn over for round two, as she gets pounded in the ass, making her moan.
    This free adult sex tube gives every nympho her
    5 minutes of fame as she uses her computer to
    display her luscious curves and kinky toys. Pornhub.com
    provides all the satisfaction you could ask for in tons of
    erotic videos. We know from experience how difficult it can be to find the right model.

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    We recommend you set up your webcam resolution and the resolution in your settings to
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    For example, if you set your webcam resolution to 1280х720, your stream settings should have the same resolution chosen. Join a fun community and
    get access to thousands of live cam girls to interact with absolutely FREE.
    This website is using a security service to protect itself
    from online attacks.
    We recommend you set up your webcam resolution and the resolution in your settings to be the same.You can also add an IP cam,
    browser, screenshare, microphone, images, video,
    slideshow, audio and text.For example, if you set your webcam resolution to 1280х720, your stream settings should have the same resolution chosen.First,
    add webcam and microphone into your scene if you haven’t already done this.

    Stripchat and other cam sites saw significant growth in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
    You can check out our other guides and on how to setup
    your streams on other sites as well.
    You can also add an IP cam, browser, screenshare, microphone, images, video, slideshow,
    audio and text. First, add webcam and microphone into your scene if you haven’t already done this.
    There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting
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  25. Live Porn

    Beyond the two unique and exciting options that Jerkmate provides,
    it’s also very easy to use. It’s got a modern feel
    to it and selecting a show to watch could not be easier.
    If you don’t love who you’ve been matched with, you can also browse the expansive list of categories that Jerkmate has to offer.
    Those categories range from BDSM to Sex Toys and everything in between.
    One cool thing about Cherry.tv is that it isn’t just another cam site like any
    other. They’re attempting to introduce more “gamification” to the concept, so
    Cherry.tv allows models to “level up” by gaining experience
    points (xp).
    All it takes is the right live cam girl to show you the ropes.The one drawback to CamSoda is
    their pricing structure.While they feature many Europeans,
    these models are diverse in their backgrounds, performance styles,
    and kinks that they love to get into.Yes, there are free shows, but they aren’t all that good.Cams.com is not only ahead of the game in terms
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    lives in the mansion!
    A performer, the “cammer,” will livestream, and people watching the live stream will interact with the performer by chatting and tipping.

    Most cammers will do certain things for specific tip amounts, and many will eventually go private before ending a stream.
    NudeLive is now a hugely popular free live sex cam site thanks to
    the extensive range of video and chat features we offer users to enjoy while using our live nude cams.

    Our internal rating system allows users to rate their experience,
    so we can be sure to provide you the best cam girl possible.
    We reward our cam girls every day by scoring their shows
    and giving prizes to the top winners. You can rest assured that your webcam show will be fun and exciting every time.
    So get ready to fully indulge in all your sexual fantasy’s because these stunning ladies
    know how to entertain and are full of fun surprises.
    When a hot teen is bored at home and wants a little bit of action, see what kind of naughty games she starts when she
    turns on her webcam.
    As you might expect, many people have been trying to get
    a slice of the pie. Tons of cam sites have popped up, and not all of them
    are created equal—in fact, it’s not even close.
    Your best bet is to browse some of the top cam sites before signing
    up for any subscriptions, premium memberships, etc.
    It’s a matching system between viewers and cam girls, which makes it feel pretty special.
    Once you match with someone, you have the option of
    also becoming a cam model.
    For people looking for cam sites on a budget,
    there’s perhaps no better site than MyFreeCams.
    Yes, the shows are actually free, and this is one of MyFreeCams’ biggest perks.
    Then see her turn over for round two, as she gets pounded
    in the ass, making her moan. This free adult sex
    tube gives every nympho her 5 minutes of fame as she uses her computer
    to display her luscious curves and kinky toys. Pornhub.com provides all the satisfaction you could ask for in tons
    of erotic videos. We know from experience how difficult
    it can be to find the right model.

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    You can watch a cammer until they go “private,” which
    requires you to tip a certain amount to continue
    watching. So, to get the most out of cam sites and support the performing
    cammers, you should consider tipping. Both cammers and viewers should aim to keep things light, fun, and respectful so that cam sites are a safe
    space for everyone involved. Yes, cam sites are generally
    safe to use, especially if you stick with the ones reviewed
    There’s no straightforward answer as to if working on an adult site will
    affect your future career, as it depends on your current job, your
    content and popularity on the cam site, etc.

    It’s also full of European models, so it’s great if you’re into that vibe.
    You also have the ability to tip in your private sessions on Flirt4Free, and while it’s not mandatory, I’m sure the models will make it worth your while.

    But they’re also friendly, playful, horny, and quick to comply,
    especially if you send them tokens! Tell them what you want to see, then sit back and watch the performance unfold.
    The performers on CamSoda range from professionals to
    amateurs, with many amateurs actively interacting with the audience and even seeking potential relationships.
    Regardless, the experience will be enjoyable and scratch that itch.

    The platform’s user base primarily consists of
    younger individuals who are eager to embark on exciting erotic adventures
    and couples seeking ways to invigorate their bedroom experiences.

    The best part about TrueUnicorns is that their pricing is some of the most
    competitive in the cam sites industry. You can purchase tokens
    for your desired cam model or tip her however much you think she deserves.
    TrueUnicorns is one of the best places to find live adult cam shows and find your favorite cam model.

    The site is easy to navigate and has tons of categories to
    filter your selection. Looking for the hottest shows from professionals or
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    Simply enter our private adult sex chat rooms for a live chat to experience
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    And an excellent way to throw away your money is to start spending
    a ton of it on cam sites. For people looking for cam sites on a budget, there’s
    perhaps no better site than MyFreeCams. Yes, the shows are actually free, and this is
    one of MyFreeCams’ biggest perks. ImLive has several innovative features, including share screen where members and
    the model can watch video or play an online game
    Flirt SMS is a new feature for customers to communicate with models on their mobile phones via text.
    Regarding the safety of your personal data and financial information, the top cam sites use standard encryption to keep your personal
    information safe. You might find that it enhances your overall experience, especially if you tip to get into private shows.
    Otherwise, you might as well just stick to regular porn.
    Catch the girls in their most candid moments in the bedrooms,
    by the pool, and even in the shower…Your Feel Connect
    app will confirm your connection to the website.It presents an exciting and
    revolutionary new way to enjoy shows with …That said, the
    biggest cam sites like Chaturbate give you different filtering options;
    the default is to show you the cammers with the largest
    number of viewers.They are diverse, in shape,
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  27. Top Ten Tips for Becoming a Successful Webcam Girl

    But to really interact with models you
    can get a membership, and with it, you score 100 free credits to get
    started. You can also then take advantage of building your favorites list and joining fan clubs for your favorite cammers.
    When you register for a membership, you get the luxury of adding models you like to your favorites list and not having to search for them every time.
    Lovense and OhMiBod toys work with most major camming sites, including Chaturbate,
    Cam4, MyFreeCams, Flirt4Free, CamSoda, and more.It’s a nice little bonus,
    and can substantially increase take-home earnings.You will need to invest in lighting
    that will produce an intriguing and sensual environment.If you’re looking for free cam
    shows, you can’t go wrong with Chaturbate and BongaCams.These Fan Clubs can provide models
    with a stable monthly income, and for viewers, gives them
    access to exclusive content and free pre-recorded videos.

    The famous cam site boasts over 320 million monthly viewers,
    so as a model you can be sure the site sets you up nicely to grow
    a fan base. Cam sites have seen a dramatic increase in new models
    and viewers alike over the past few years.
    Rather than staring at a bunch of thumbnails, you’ll be plopped
    into a live show right away. You can of course exit and search for a show that’s a bit more your
    flavor, but it’s nice to know that you can freely view HD
    cam shows from the jump. One such site is
    Cherry.tv, from the people over at Cherry Models. The site has only recently gone live and is still in Beta mode,
    which means for now they only have cis-women and trans women cam
    You can also filter by languages, too, for a
    more specific cam experience where convo is key. On Flirt4Free, you can engage
    in a wide range of interactions, from friendly conversations to intimate performances, all while earning income through tips and monthly subscriptions.
    In case you’re wondering, yes, girl on girl entertainment is definitely on the table.
    To get a private room with a cam model you have
    to join their cam show and put in a private chat room request by
    clicking on the private show icon. As a second option, VoyeurHouseTV
    is another good cam site for cam couple accounts, more so if
    you desire longer live streams.
    These Fan Clubs can provide models with a stable monthly income,
    and for viewers, gives them access to exclusive content and free pre-recorded videos.
    Some may also offer geo-blocking features so cam models can block viewers
    in their local state, region, or country. This isn’t a foolproof way to avoid people you know in real life, but it
    helps. The best cam sites to work for today are Chaturbate, LiveJasmin, Flirt4Free, and OnlyFans.
    Models also have the privilege to set their prices as they see fit.
    Models get to set their own prices, too, so you can determine what’s profitable for you and work towards making the best out of it
    – whether in public or private rooms where all videos are in HD.
    If you want to stay on the down-low as an unbeknownst cam model to
    friends and family, LiveJasmin also lets you block people from your country to
    make you more comfortable.

  28. You could definitely see your enthusiasm in the article you write.

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  29. Yes Free Amateur Sex Cams

    Chaturbate is a very social site, where you can find
    many different type of amateurs from exibitionist to professional cam stars.
    She does it all, and on top of being bisexual, she’s unconventional.
    Voyeur House TV is the ultimate haven if you’d like to get on by
    just watching mostly couples go about their business
    in their apartments in the nude. CamSoda’s
    available tags will quickly take you to your ultimate
    fetish, and you can further filter down the models depending on ethnicity, age,
    region, and language preference.
    That’s potentially because it’s oversaturated with guys
    like you asking them to do a million different
    things. If you’re OK with just being a voyeur for
    free, MyFreeCams is a fantastic budget-friendly option for
    you. CamsFinder.com is the ultimate tool to find the exact webcam show you’re looking
    BongaCams delivers incredible shows but doesn’t provide many
    private show options.Additionally, the best cam sites have high percentage cuts for models.It’s
    also full of European models, so it’s
    great if you’re into that vibe.The platform
    is home to an extensive array of profiles, totaling a
    noteworthy 186,600, showcasing its broad reach and popularity among those seeking engaging
    connections.Those categories range from BDSM to Sex
    Toys and everything in between.
    Many cam sites can even be browsed for free—even the
    biggest one, Chaturbate. So, it’s recommended to spend some time familiarizing yourself with the various sites out there before
    spending any cash.
    Our internal rating system allows users to rate their
    experience, so we can be sure to provide you the best cam girl
    possible. We reward our cam girls every day by scoring their shows and giving prizes to the top winners.

    You can rest assured that your webcam show will be fun and exciting every time.
    With these popular webcam modeling sites, you’re a click away from grabbing yourself some steaming entertainment from the girl of your dreams or making some money right
    from your bedroom. The best cam sites to work for today are Chaturbate, LiveJasmin, Flirt4Free, and OnlyFans.
    These top cam sites have hundreds of millions
    of monthly users, creating a good starting base for new cam models.

    Additionally, the best cam sites have high percentage cuts
    for models.
    These women will expect you to give them tons of tokens if you want them to do anything specific,
    but this is pretty normal for camming websites.
    SlutRoulette has achieved a 4/5 customer rating
    due to its blend of features catering to diverse user preferences.
    It excels in adult video chat, embracing intimate interactions with an alluring touch.

  30. Free Chat with Girls Live Cam Girls, Free Webcam Girls at Chaturbate

    While not technically a webcam site, OnlyFans can certainly be used to connect with models for a similar experience.
    Yes, cam sites are generally safe to use, especially if you stick with the ones reviewed above.
    Xcams follows in the footsteps of LiveJasmin with its luscious European models.
    Suffice to say, the site gets a good fan base from, well, moneyed European guys.

    However, to have more control over your experience on MyFreeCams,
    you might want to opt for the premium or VIP membership for
    private shows, face-to-face cams, group shows, tipping, messaging,
    and a lot more. Also, new customers currently get 50% off their first
    Big boobs, small boobs, skinny, blondes, brunettes, milfs, and
    many many more.Aggressive demands and other poor behavior are frowned upon (as they should be) and can result in getting blocked
    and/or banned.This is one of the most important virtual sex tips
    to follow.Some may also offer geo-blocking features so cam models can block viewers in their local state, region, or country.

    From amateurs to professionals, members will find the girls online and
    ready for a great time 24/7, and purchasing credits (the site’s currency)
    is fast and easy. Tipping isn’t a way to get obedience or to command a cam
    girl. There are some exceptions to this in Tip menus, see below, but generally a
    tip is something that you have given generously and the girls accept it as a gift.
    And just like the server in the restaurant she gets most of her income
    from tips, not from a wage check. In fact for cam girls there
    typically is no income at all except for tips and privates.
    Some cam modeling sites accept other forms of payment like PayPal and
    cryptocurrency. Leading the way is Jerkmate, boasting a lineup of gorgeous cam models, impressive features, and a
    straightforward payout system.
    On the surface, BongaCams likes to pretend that it’s a
    free cam site full of women, couples, and trans people.
    If you’ve made it this far in reading cam reviews, you won’t be surprised to learn that every
    site is going to squeeze some coin out of you at some point.
    But BongaCams isn’t going to suck you dry by charging per minute.
    Their models make a living based on their tips, and you are going to eventually want
    to tip them through the token payment structure.

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  32. Flirt for Free with live Cam Girls

    Following along the lines of personalized videos,
    a good option would be to do a custom video where you greet them, addressing
    them by their name. This is the personalized experience
    that most cam site users are looking for. When becoming a My.Club creator you can start selling your custom videos.
    CamSoda has an impressive welcome bonus of 300 tokens
    for $14.99. All models can be filtered by language, and
    as of now, over 15 languages are supported.Best
    of all, all live adult public cams are 100% free to view, making
    it as easy as possible to find the perfect cam girl.
    I was instantly connected to thousands of viewers—and
    instantly overwhelmed. The best part of BongaCams is the number of models you’ll find
    online at any given time.
    Whether you show each other your experiences on camera, share
    them on a phone call, or even keep them to yourself, these playful objects can make your self-exploration more enjoyable.Jerkmate is driven by a matching algorithm
    that suggests a fitting model to match your erotic desires.Like most cam
    girls I’m quite happy to do a range of things that my viewers like.

    And, there’s a loyalty program – Club Elite – whereby, depending on how many girls you engage in public chat rooms, you get
    to climb the ranks. In contrast to Chaturbate which
    is mostly American-centered, LiveJasmin is a hub for European models.
    Not many are in my position of being able to do my job, and broadcast at the same time, and even I don’t
    do that perfectly well. When I’m focusing on my paying office job I’m not being a great
    job of being a cam girl, unless you like to watch me as a voyeur which is ok to but not the regular
    thing for cam girls. Beating other best adult cam sites, Jerkmate Gay’s gay section is insanely extensive.
    The site has resourceful search filters to help you
    refine your query and find your ideal gay cam model.
    With enough loyalty, you might be invited to join LiveJasmin’s “Club Elite” where the cam girls come after you
    instead. As a viewer, you can catch free live streams on LiveJasmin where you can offer models tips for them to
    play to your fantasies. You can also take it a step further and invite your
    model to a private room where you get her all to yourself.

    The platform offers features such as private shows and 1-on-1 chats, allowing you to provide personalized
    experiences for your fans.

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  34. Free Live Sex Webcams and Porn Chat

    Surprisingly, it flies under the radar because there are always so
    many models available at any given time for anyone to watch.
    One such site is Cherry.tv, from the people over at Cherry Models.
    The site has only recently gone live and is still in Beta mode, which means for now they only have cis-women and trans women cam girls.
    Make certain that you’ll have the time to chat and webcam before starting a conversation with one of our
    ladies. Camming can be quite a timer passer because you’re having so much intimacy with someone.
    Even if you’re not masturbating, you’re still talking and texting.
    You might not know it by just visiting their website because initially,
    it looks like your average cam site. There are free shows
    that you can enter and you have the ability to filter by
    model, body type, and gender. This is one of the few sex cam sites that contains cam girl shows in addition to male shows,
    trans shows, and nonbinary shows. We find that to be a huge
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    Cameras can result in some seriously unflattering
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    Our pornstar live shows are free for all users so you can watch Angel Wicky, Gina Gerson and other famous models live!
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    Sexy 18+ legal girls and MILFS with big tits and clean pussy perform live cam girl
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    Yes, cam sites are generally safe to use, especially
    if you stick with the ones reviewed above.Our internal rating
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    Both cammers and viewers should aim to keep things light, fun, and respectful so that cam
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    Each model comes up with a different money goal per show and tries to seduce the viewers into paying up.

    Jerkmate also hires actual pornstars and professional cam girls to stream live.
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    However, if you prefer your cam girl to be an actual pornstar,
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